Like many other corporate functions, communication team has to learn how to cope up with more demands on their time and no budget for any extra resources. Communication strategies delineate the essential and long-lasting choices of corporate communication and structure the essential options of the marketing strategy.  The major factor is how to sell and not what to sell, which our team focuses on. The team is formed under the guidance of well talented communicator Luciano Mancini who invested a lot in his education and then founded a company specializing in communication strategies and "luxury entertainment". 

All priorities should branch from the corporate strategic priorities so that communications planning is antithesis engineered from the business goals. The traditional – and still the best – way to link the two is by using a functional “strategic plan.” The simple yet prevailing steps are here: 

1st Objectives

Your objectives are the key to the success of your communications strategy. They should ensure that your approach is organizationally driven. Your communications activity is not an end in itself but should aid and hence be associated with your organizational objectives.

2nd Analysis

Analysis is the process of breaking a multifaceted topic into smaller parts in order to gain a better understanding of it. Consider and discuss the results judiciously and use them to amend your plan.

3rd Target

The best listeners to target in order to attain an objective may not always be the most obvious ones, and targeting audiences such as the media may not always help achieve your objectives. Audiences can have negative effect if you dedicate resources towards them that would otherwise be put towards communicating with key stakeholders.

4th Action

Generate a comprehensive case covering all the key messages, and accentuate the different elements of the case for different audiences.

5th Creative Strategies 

Use your resources and schedules to set authentic levels of potentials and shape the case for more steadfast resources.

6th Positioning

While portraying up your strategy, you should embroil your team, and on a smaller gauge, the entire organization. Feed the communications strategy into the organizational strategy to warrant extreme alignment and productivity.

Create and construct replicas with particular excellence in creative strategy by which the company gets consistency and effectiveness, originality, continuity order and harmony growth.